Coach Misty

Coach Misty has over a decade of experience as a fitness professional. She is a Natural Figure competitor & Powerlifting Athlete. She currently holds a record with RIPL. Coach Misty opened Women of Strength Gym in November of 2021 where she could reach more women and continue to live out her passion to help women adopt a healthy lifestyle, rooted in Jesus.
She is a Nationally Accredited Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist with many other accreditations. But her personal experience in dealing with her own personal health such as pre-diabetes and high cholesterol, along with her highly accredited fitness mentors and hands on experience with the hundreds of clients is what sets her apart from the rest.
She meets you where you are and teaches you to create healthy, lasting habits.
Health Coach, ACE
Personal Trainer, NASM
Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM
Physique & BodyBuilding Coach, NASM